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A few things about work accidents

2. Most work accidents are as a result of slips and falls on work premises or injuries sustained whilst handling heavy items. A certain amount of claims arise out of injuries caused by defective and dangerous equipment or because of fundamentally dangerous work processes often associated with a lack of proper supervision and training. 3.

What can you do when the accident happens to you? It must be reported to either a supervisor or the member of staff responsible for health and safety. An entry must then be made in the 'accident book'. Employers are obliged by law to keep an accident book and to ensure all reported accidents are entered in it. 4. You should of course also seek immediate treatment from the nominated first aider who will then assess if you require hospital treatment. 5.

The next step is to fill in one of the forms named 'accident at work compensation claim ' or 'injury at work compensation claim'. Within 24 hours one of solicitors will surely contact you to fully assess your claim. Those solicitors usually specialise not only in accident at work compensation claims but also in stress at work claims, trips compensation claims, road traffic accident claims or animal injury claims.

6. If your accident at work was within the last 3 years and it can be proven that your employer has breached any of the duties owed to you then it is possible to make a claim for compensation. Damages based on your injury and other factors such as lost income may be successfuly awarded. 7.

To find out if you can claim compensation after the accident call a compensation claim information or read a compensation guide.

Personal Injuries

WHO CAN COLLECT MY RECEIVABLES - The internet provides many resources when you need to find a firm to assist.

What if There Were Legal Justice in the United States - What if the courts in America could be trusted with justice? What if there really was legal justice in our nation? What if there were not totally politically motivated prosecutions and investigations?.

Lemon Law Expert - Lemon Laws in the US were established to help protect the consumer against the purchase of a bad product, most notably automobiles.

New Jersey DWI Penalties - Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New Jersey attracts a bunch of penalties that includes fines, charges and surcharges, imprisonment or mandatory counseling.

I have rights - Nature's Rights.



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