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Auto Accidents


Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of thirty-four. Annually, auto accidents are responsible for over 40,000 deaths. At an average rate of 115 fatalities per day, auto accidents cost a staggering 150 billion dollars yearly. You are likely to be involved in at least one auto accident in your lifetime.

If you are involved in an auto accident, call the police immediately-even if no one was injured-and file an accident report. Auto accident reports for insurance purposes to determine fault, so verify that the report is thorough. The auto accident report should include interviews with all involved parties and any witnesses. Photographs and/or diagrams of auto accident scenes are often supplied by the police as well. You can also take pictures of the auto accident, and gather as much information as possible. Get the names and phone numbers of all auto accident witnesses, as well as anyone involved in the accident itself.

Common auto accident injuries include whiplash, head and brain injury, paralysis, and joint, bone, and muscle injuries. Auto accident victims should seek medical attention as soon as possible if they believe they are injured. Auto accident claims for damages resulting from injuries usually depend on medical records linking the auto accident to the injuries received-the more time elapses between the auto accident and the treatment, the more difficult it is to prove a connection.

Generally speaking, auto accidents are handled through each party's insurance party and things are settled quickly. In some cases, auto accidents resulting in personal injury or extensive property loss lead to lawsuits. Damages sought after auto accidents can include cost of medical treatment, loss of property, and loss of wages. If you have been in an auto accident, and need legal advice or assistance, it is best to contact an attorney familiar with auto accident laws.

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