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School Bus Mishaps

Buses are a fairly safe mode of transportation. However, they can be very dangerous if they are involved in an accident.Bus accidents often result in serious injuries and even death. Factors that contribute to these accidents are driver negligence, inadequate security, dangerous roadways, weather conditions, defective products and improper maintenance, among others.According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, based on information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are less than 300 fatal bus accidents in an average year.

Of those, about 30% involve transit buses and 40% involve school buses. There may be variations from other sources but above figure paints a frightening picture of the dangers buses pose to the riding public.If you are injured in a bus accident you may be able to file a claim against the bus company to receive damages for the injury you have sustained. You may either be on board the bus while the mishap happened or you may be walking on the street or riding a car.Like trains and planes, buses are conveyances that are required to provide a higher level of safety for its occupants.

They are liable for injuries that passengers may suffer. It is mandatory for them to have equipment in good condition and skilled drivers to ensure the safety of passengers. State policies may vary but in general, if a personal injury occurs because the carrier was not in compliance with safety regulations, the carrier may have total liability for personal injuries.Much like other accidents, it is imperative that you follow certain procedures to protect yourself from possible trouble. For one, seeking the assistance of a doctor is very important to determine your level of injury and if you might have sustained other debilitating injuries that might have long term effects.

Gather pertinent information as much as you can regarding your accident like names and addresses as well as contact numbers.Do not divulge any information to anyone other law enforcement officials or a lawyer. Anything that you say might be used against you in a court of law. Also, do not sign anything without the assistance of an attorney.

You might think that it is a smart thing to do but refrain from doing so. It is better to be safe than sorry.Hiring an attorney is highly recommended for situations like this as they can help you obtain what is due to you and save you from any legal and financial hassle.

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By: Blur Loterina

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